Monday, February 27, 2012

Beautifully Blessed

Eight years ago, I was given one of the biggest blessings in my life.

I was crowned Miss Houston County 2004.

Every year since then, I have been continually blessed by being asked back to emcee Miss Houston County.

I say that I am blessed to do this because of the people who put the pageant together every year. I am also blessed by getting to know the girls competing just a little bit each year. And then I get to watch the girls who win enjoy their year as a Houston County queen, just as much, and hopefully even more, as I did.

This is not a Toddlers and Tiaras kind of pageant. The little girls look like little girls. The older girls are not only judged by stage beauty, but in interview, written communication, and verbal communication - which is definitely the hardest part.

I was there on Friday night when the girls were going into interviews. Some came out disappointed. Some came out embarrassed of their answers. Others came out excited because they felt they had done well.

I remember these moments so well. The fear that the judges would ask me an off the wall question that I wouldn't know how to answer. The last minute "do I have lipstick on my teeth" check. The terrible realization right before you walk into the room that you can't remember your name.

And then the elation of a smooth interview. Five minutes that seemed to go so quickly, and I felt like I still had more to say. A friendship had been formed with the judges, and I knew they would be watching for me while I was onstage.

Or the heaviness of a bad interview. Five minutes seemed to drag on for hours, and I knew leaving the room that they didn't care for what I had to say or my personality. Knowing that it didn't matter what I did onstage, because I wasn't going to win.

Saturday afternoon came and went, and a new Future Little Miss, Young Junior Miss, and Junior Miss Houston County had been crowned. My feet were the size of footballs, and I was able to rest for about 40 minutes before the evening pageant began.

It's always fun to be back in stage hair and make up. Luckily, my BFFS3G was there to help me get glamorous. I can't tease my hair to save my life, so she whipped up some magic on top of my head. I love being dressed up in gowns, sparkly jewelry, and false eyelashes.

Somehow, some way, Jim Massey Formals had TWO dresses that fit my 36 week pregnant body. It was nice to feel pretty, when most times, I feel like a beached whale.

I always open the pageant by singing the National Anthem.

There's a rush right before the pageant begins. Nancy, the stage director, says, "We're starting in two minutes." The curtain is still closed, and I walk to my place in center stage, humming quietly to myself to find my pitch.

The lights go dark in the Civic Center, and Elisabeth welcomes the audience to the pageant.

Then the curtain opens...

I see nothing but blackness in front of me, blinded by the lights, but I know the audience is standing and all eyes are on me. I sing the National Anthem as dignified as I can, always feeling like I've sung the wrong words or left out a phrase.

And these girls from all over the county, bonded by jitters, zipper checks, and ripped panty hose, step out on stage to experience the most wonderful and terrifying three hours of their lives.

The crowd cheers when "their girl" steps into the spotlight. Some opening number dance steps are forgotten, but it doesn't matter. It's exciting. It's fun.

They rush off stage to change into their suits for verbal communication. One by one, they return to draw a word out of a bowl. They each speak on this word - it can be anything - what they feel the definition of the word is, what that word reminds them of, or an anecdote about that word.

It is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. It feels like the word is written in Japanese, and somehow, you muster up some sentences that might make sense, or they might not.

And again, they rush off into the dressing rooms to change into their stunning evening gowns. Gowns of all different colors - red, blue, white, black - covered in sequins, crystals, and satin embellishments. For three minutes, every eye in the audience is on them as they gracefully walk across the stage. This is their moment.

When they step off that stage, it's over. There is nothing more they can do to convince the judges that they deserve the crown.

But it's not just a crown. It's a responsibility.

This year's onstage question was, "Please give three characteristics that would make you a good title holder."

Whitney, who would later be named Miss Houston County, said it best when she explained how being Miss Houston County is a job.

It is a non-paying job, but can be so rewarding if you let it be. It is a job that requires your weekends, your preparation, your loyalty. People know you as Miss Houston County, even when you're not wearing the crown.

For one whole year, you are a role model for little girls who aspire to be princesses. You are a representative for your area and those who live in it. You smile, you wave, you talk to people you've never met. You are always "on."

It's stressful, this glamorous job. There were times that I sat on the back of a convertible in a cute, but not warm enough outfit at 7am on a Saturday morning on a main street of a small town, and I wondered what the heck I was doing.

But it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.
Even now, I am recognized in Dothan as a former Miss Houston County.

I may be 8 years older, and at the current moment, 50 pounds heavier (baby weight and then some), but the title never goes away.

I will always be a part of the Miss Houston County family.

And now we have a new member.

Congratulations, Whitney.
You blew everyone away with your beauty, your charm, and your personality. I almost squealed with excitement when I saw your name written on the line of the results paper.

It's hard to keep a straight face as the emcee when you know who the winner is before everyone else.

Especially when you know she's the perfect choice.

I am excited to watch your year as MIss Houston County. You will realize, if you haven't already, what an amazing blessing you have been given in that crown and banner. You will be an amazing representative for this pageant and the people of Houston County.

And then I go home. I wash off the make up, wash out the hairspray, put on my t-shirt, and I become me again. I snuggle up to the biggest blessing in my life, who tells me I don't need all the "stuff" to make me beautiful, although he told me at least 5 times at the pageant that I looked pretty.
And I realize that the blessings from the Lord never stop.

I was Miss Houston County for one year.

I am Mrs. Ben Parrish for life.

I am Brooke Allen's mommy for life.

Maybe one day, her daddy will let me enter her in a pageant, and it will be yet another bond that she and I can share.

And I won't ever stop telling her that she's beautiful.

Crown or not.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dear Brooke Allen

We checked on you this morning. :)

Your heartbeat is still strong and feisty at 148. It's a far cry from the first few times we heard it though - at 178.

I just have a sneaky suspicion by the way you move and how fast your heartbeat always is that you are going to be A LOT like your mother, and not like your father.

Except for that head shape. Still worried about that.

Dr. Hudson seems to think that you are going to make your appearance before your due date, which is scheduled for March 23rd.

He mentioned that several times during our appointment today.

I've been saying that for a while.

I'm thinking we should aim for St. Patrick's Day - March 17th. You are EXTREMELY Irish, and you can be our little Lucky Charm - which, coincidentally, is all I want to eat nowadays.

Good thing your daddy moved to evening shift so I can eat Lucky Charms for dinner (sometimes 2 bowls) and not feel guilty for not making a hot meal.

And if you are born on St. Patrick's Day, it's more incentive for me to buy that cute onesie at Carter's that says "Kiss Me, I'm Irish."

I can't wait to kiss you.

I thought I was going to meet you the other night. I woke up with STRONG contractions on Saturday night. I've had some small "practice" contractions for quite a while now, but I've never had any wake me up.

I sat on the edge of the bed timing them for about an hour, but none were ever close enough to be worried about it. Charlotte helped me time them - she stayed up with me through the whole ordeal. Your daddy, not so much. He woke up once, asked me what was wrong, had a small panic attack, and went back to sleep.

I figured I really didn't need him at that moment. I could wake him up when I knew it was time to go.

In between contractions, I was making my mental list of all the things I was going to need to do before we left for the hospital. We're going out of town this weekend, so I haven't packed our bags for the hospital yet. I was planning what would go in the bag for the hospital, remembering where our spare pillow cases were, thinking about what make up I was going to take, if I needed to shave my legs...

Lots of things were running through my mind.

But the biggest thing running through my mind is how much I'm going to miss you when you're born.

I know that I'll have you on the outside, but I'm going to miss you being on the inside.

That may sound crazy, but you are my little buddy in there. You have been with me constantly for 8 months. For 4 months, I've been able to feel you moving. I track your progress every week - how you're growing, what you're doing, and what you've accomplished. I know where you are, and I know that you're safe and warm.

After you're born, I won't have that security anymore. You are going to be a part of me - on the outside. I'll SEE you kicking and moving and hiccupping, but I won't feel it anymore.

I think I may feel empty for a while.

But my heart will be full. Because I'll finally see your sweet face. I'll hear your sweet breaths. I'll hold your sweet little body with my arms. I can comfort you when you're upset, feed you when your hungry, and enjoy each and every moment with you.

Most of all, your daddy will get to experience this. He doesn't feel you move all day long. He doesn't get to have conversations with you. He's only felt you kick a few times, because you're stubborn, and when daddy comes over to feel you move, you stop. He will get to hold you and talk to you and love you finally.

I can't wait to see his face when he holds you for the first time. I'm going to try as hard as I can to take a mental picture of that moment, and store it in my happy box in my mind, so I can visit it any time I want.

And you are welcome to come home any time you are ready.

We are ready for you.

Friday, February 17, 2012

35 Weeks

Brooke Allen update time!

How far along? 35/35! That means, I'm 35 weeks in, and 35 days to go! I cannot believe I will be holding her some time in the next 5 to 7 weeks! AAAAAAAAA! We're going to the doctor again next week, and then I start going EVERY WEEK until she gets here!

Baby Bump? Oh yeh.

Maternity Clothes: Suprisingly, I fit into a non-maternity shirt today. I needed something red for an event for work, and this one fit! A little tight, but it works.

Weight Gain: 25 pounds still.

Movement: She's starting to settle. Her movements have slowed and they are BIG. I think she may be out of room.

Cravings: Cereal. I can't get enough Lucky Charms. Good thing Ben has moved to evenings so I can just have Lucky Charms for dinner and not feel guilty about it.

Symptoms: Back pain. Harder to breathe. Moving around like a beached whale.

Sleep: The same. Off and on.

Gender: It's a girl! Brooke Allen is her name!

Belly Button: Still there!

What I miss: My old clothes and my high heels. I wear the same thing EVERY WEEK. I want to be fashionable!

Best Moment of the Week: Prenatal massage yesterday. Ah.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We've been busy.

1. We are the proud new owners of this beauty.


I mean, we've been talking about buying a truck for 2 years now. We've been to every car lot in Alabama. We've looked at websites. We've looked at Craigslist.

FINALLY, our friend Scott at CRM Motors found this for us.

It's extremely nice, though. It's exactly what he wanted, and then some.

And the smile on my husband's face was worth it.

*Note - When I say "we," I mean he. And me being forced along.*

2. This little pup, whose main goal is to distract me from everything I'm doing and trying to look all sweet and innocent in order to get me to scratch her tummy for hours.

Notice all the laundry around her.

She's so convincing.

3. Our sweet friends threw us a Baby Brunch! We had yummy breakfast food and got some adorable things for Brooke Allen, who will be making her grand entrance in 5 to 7 weeks!

The onesie says, "I love Daddy," which he is a sucker for. Yep. She has him wrapped already.

4. My Valentine showed up with these at my work. He even took me to lunch. What a sweetie! Not only did he earn brownie points with me, but with my whole office.
And I am a TERRIBLE Valentine.

First, I completely forgot to get him anything.
So, a vendor came in to bring us Krispy Kreme heart shaped donuts. I thought, PERFECT! Ben loves donuts!

I drove into Hoover on my way home. They were out of heart shaped donuts, but Ben really wouldn't care if they were specially shaped, so I got him a half dozen chocolate glazed.
When I got home, I put them on the counter with full intentions to put a bow and a card on it so when he got home from work, they would be waiting on him.

Brooke Allen decided I needed to go to bed.

He got home and said, "Are those for me?"

I was so embarrassed.
He didn't seem to care though. There aren't any left.

5. My Valentine's date.

Oh, the joys of shiftwork. Ben had to work, so Charlotte and I had a romantic evening of Spaghetti O's, watching Dance Moms, and going to bed at 8pm.

She's just so dang cute.

Other happenings not listed/pictured:

Nursery is almost complete! I have to paint a canvas and get a rug, and then it's done! I PROMISE I will put pictures up soon. Maybe this weekend. I'm going to Target today to look at rugs.

We had maternity pictures made with T2 Photography on Saturday after our Baby Brunch. It was 40 degrees outside, and we did all of our pictures at Railroad Park in downtown. I thawed out on Sunday. I can't WAIT to see them! I will most definitely share the link when I get proofs.

We graduated from Baby Class! Whoop Whoop!

I think that's all. I have a RAGING case of Baby Brain (hence the Valentine saga). Tomorrow will be Brooke Allen update time! 35 weeks! I can't believe it!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Dear Brooke Allen,

Being pregnant is odd.

There are lots of things that happen in pregnancy that I just wasn't prepared for.

Yeh, I read a book. I frequently visit a website with message boards so we can compare "Is this happening to you" situations.

But still.

Someone should have warned me.

Like about the back pain. It sucks. All over.

Or that you wake up randomly in the night, not to pee, but to just lay there, wide awake, drenched in sweat.

The headaches of first trimester.

The anxiety of choosing bottles and nipples and formula.

How the baby runs out of room in your belly about 34 weeks in, but she's still growing, so the pressure HURTS every time I breathe or we hit a bump in the car.




The asanine things people say to you:

At 33 weeks: "You look like you're about to pop!"
"Nope, still have about 7 more weeks left."

"Sleep now before that baby gets here because you'll never sleep again!"
So you're telling me there's a secret box somewhere where I can store up sleep now to use after the baby gets here? AWESOME!!!!!

"Oh you're pregnant? Let me tell you a 15 minute story about my daughter who they had to do an emergency c-section at 25 weeks and she and her son almost died. He spent the next 2 months in NICU and my daughter had to have a complete hysterectomy. Did I scare you? I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Are you going to get rid of the dog once the baby gets here?"

First trimester, can hardly hold my eyes open, and I'm struggling to keep from puking:
"OH I just LOVED being pregnant! I would do it ten more times if I could!"
Really? Could I punch you ten times in the face to make up for it?

And my all time favorite:
Toothless guy in the Publix checkout line points to a tabloid cover with emaciated Angelina Jolie on the cover saying 98 pounds and Pregnant.
"Good thang ya ain't that skinny. Too small ta be hafin a baby."
Geez, toothless guy! You really know how to make a girl's day!

There are times when I look down at my belly and actually SEE Brooke Allen rolling around in there. And it dawns on me...

Yes. A human. Growing in my belly. Has to come out. Large baby. Small space.

We watched the video. I understand the logistics. But how is this going to happen to me? My body is really going to do that?

My mind conveniently switches back to Genesis and the fall of know, the part when God tells Eve that childbirth shall be a curse among women?

Eve just HAD to take a bite of that fruit.

I know, I know. Women have been having babies since the Eve had Cain and Abel. I get it.

But it doesn't mean it doesn't suck.

It doesn't mean that I've questioned whether I want to actually do this a few more times like Ben and I have planned.

It doesn't mean that I don't lay in bed and cry because I want to go to sleep and Brooke Allen is practicing her floor routine.

And then I see what is obviously a foot sticking out, distorting what used to be a fairly flat tummy like the movie Alien. So I push on it...and she kicks me back.

Then it all comes rushing back why I did choose to do this, and probably will do it a few more times.

Our BABY is in there. The baby that God chose for Ben and me.

The baby that I love more than anything I've ever loved before, and I've never even met her.

And I know that love will multiply by billions when I see her face for the first time.

So gladly, Brooke Allen, I will sacrifice my body, my sleep, and my emotions for you.

I would do it ten more times if I could.

Because I love you already.

Friday, February 3, 2012

33 Weeks

Well, we finally made it over the squash hump.

( hasn't changed the fruit size in like, 3 weeks.)


No wonder I can't breathe.

33 weeks. 49 days to D-Date.

Will I make it all the way? We'll see.

Here's a few pictures from our shower hosted by our Sunday School class! Brooke Allen got some WONDERFUL things, which we are so grateful for, and we had such a fun night with our friends.

Her Activity cute!

Nap Nanny and changing pad

Funny story about these bibs...The one on the left says, "If you think I'm cute, you should see my dad" and the other one says, "My Mom is hotter than your Mom." Ben is notorious for registering for things behind my back, both on our wedding and baby registries. I turned around in Babies R Us, and these bibs, along with several others that say stupid things, were all scanned and Ben had a silly grin on his face...Our friends, Chris and Amanda, thought they were too funny and bought them for us. My poor child. :)

Oh, and Ben is holding the crib bumper. GASP. Yes, crib bumper.

On Sunday, Mom and I are headed to Jackson to have a baby shower with Ben's family. Poor Ben will be working, so he can't go with us!

We also have our maternity pictures scheduled with T2 Photography next Saturday!

Last night, I FINALLY finished the clean out of the nursery! All the CRAP is gone! We have a nice little pile of items to be picked up by the King's Home next week in the garage. I organized the desk in the guest room, hung pictures that were in the nursery on the guest room walls, and basically reorganized and redecorated the whole house (nesting, anyone?). Brandon and Bekah, two of our dearest friends, are bringing all Brooke Allen's furniture up from Mom's house today for us! I can't WAIT to put it all together! :)

OH! And we found a pediatrician! After a Facebook poll and asking for several recommendations from friends, we decided on Greenvale Pediatrics and Dr. Stone will be her doctor! They came HIGHLY recommended. I'm very excited.

And I feel very accomplished.

How far along? 33 weeks

Baby Bump? No kidding.

Maternity Clothes: Growing out of some...

Weight Gain: Still at 25 pounds. Maybe I've plateaued?

Movement: ALL THE TIME. She hasn't settled yet. I'd really like her to pick a good time to move head down permanently...

Cravings: This past week was Rice Krispy treats. Ros at work gave me one, and I've wanted one ever since.

Symptoms: Still with the back pain. Braxton Hicks. Can't breathe. Can't bend over. Haha.

Sleep: The same. Off and on.

Gender: It's a girl! Brooke Allen is her name!

Belly Button: Getting flatter by the day. I don't think it will turn outie though.

What I miss: Being able to do more around the house. I've always taken care of most of the household chores, but now I have to rely on Ben to vacuum, swiffer, clean the bathrooms, move heavy stuff...I had a minor meltdown over not being to do things a few days ago. I can't even give Charlotte her medicine for a spider bite on her belly (poor baby) because it's a steroid cream and I can't touch it. I DON'T LIKE BEING HELPLESS!

Best Moment of the Week: Finishing the clean out process of the nursery! YAY!