Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Let There Be Santa

Kids, I'm going to burst your bubble.

There is no Santa Claus.

WHAT?  Shocker!

But there isn't a Santa Claus.

I hope by the time you are old enough for me to give you these letters, you already know this, and you aren't staring at these words like a bully who just crushed your juice box.

I hope you know we don't celebrate Christmas because of Santa Claus.

I hope we've told you enough about Jesus' birth and how He changed the world because of it, that you aren't shocked and surprised when you find out there's more to Christmas than presents and a big fat guy coming down the chimney.

I hope your heart is set for the true meaning of Christmas - giving to others in the spirit of which we were given the most precious gift, and the thankfulness that God saw our desperate need for rescue from our separation.

But I also hope you had a lot of fun on Christmas, too.

I hope you remember the times we spent decorating the tree together as a family.  I hope you remember the hot chocolate and Christmas cookies.  Visiting Santa at the mall and truly believing this man was going to your house and every other house in one night to bring presents.  Telling him those wishes of presents that you were too embarrassed to even tell Mom and Dad for fear of the "you'll shoot your eye out" rejection.  The anticipation of Christmas vacation during school, and that awesome moment when the bell rings on the last day of school in December.  The night before Christmas when you just can't sleep because you know how much fun the next day will be.  And Christmas morning when you rush to the living room to see all the wrapped treasures under the tree, and ripping them open with such delight because you got the very thing you wanted.

The wonderment, the amazement, the magic.

Your Daddy and I have discussed at length about our responsibility as Christian parents during the Christmas season.  We have heard all the theories - If you let your kids believe in Santa, why would they still believe you about Jesus?  Believing in Santa skews your children's ability to understand the true meaning of Christmas.  Santa is just Satan with the letters rearranged!  (I'm totally not kidding about that one, either.)

But we realized we were both brought up in homes where Santa was enjoyed, but Jesus was celebrated.  Neither of us equated Santa with Jesus.  We weren't mad at our parents for "lying" to us about Santa.  In fact, we figured it out on our own but didn't want to tell our parents in fear they would squash all the fun.

So we decided to let there be Santa.  To let you watch and wait for the reindeer and sleigh on Christmas Eve, staying up way after bedtime in hopes of hearing hooves land on the roof.  To leave cookies and milk and a carrot for Rudolph out by the tree (I think Your Daddy just want to eat the cookie), with a letter thanking Santa for the gifts.  To watch the movies and read the books and sing the songs and color the pictures.  To wonder about how the fat guy really does get to every house in just a few hours, even the ones without chimneys.  To imagine what the North Pole Command Center looks like, trying to keep up with all those children and who is naughty and nice.  To test just how bad you have to be to get on the naughty list. 

And at the same time that our house is decorated with elves, trees, and Santas, you will see the Baby Jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes with Mary and Joseph and the angels singing "Glory to God in the highest!"  You will hear us read Luke, Chapter 2, and you will spend an entire month in Sunday School on it.  You will learn the words to O Holy Night and Away in a Manger and The First Noel.  We will light candles on Christmas Eve at church and for a moment, everything will be so still and so quiet and so holy that you will want to cry and rejoice, all at the same time.

And you will realize that there is something more to Christmas than presents and lights.

  There is a baby who came into the world, to grow with us, to be with us, and to love us.  A baby who was God Himself, who humbled Himself to be small and helpless and unrecognizable.  

That this baby would grow to be a man who would save the very people who chose to nail Him to a cross.  Then He would raise from the dead to a people who try their hardest not to believe it.  And that He is coming again, to rescue us AGAIN because we keep burying our head in the ancient sand that holds us to ourselves and separates us from His Holy Presence.  

But next time, He won't be so quiet.

There's a completely different and unmatched wonderment in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  You won't question it.  You won't be afraid that the fun will end because Santa doesn't exist.  You'll understand that it's only the beginning of something wonderful.  Something amazing.  Something bigger than just a tree or a stocking.  

It's life.  It's truth.  And so much more satisfying.

So yes, let there be Santa.  Let Santa lead to the discovery of the true meaning of Christmas.  Santa is "Saint Nicholas" after all - a missionary spreading the love of Christ by giving gifts to the poor.  Find magic and fun in Santa, but find hope and joy in knowing Jesus Christ.

Jesus is so much better.