Yesterday, you turned one month old.
Your Daddy and I can't seem to figure out if you are an easier baby than Big Sister (who we thought was pretty dang awesome and easy), or if we were just a bit more prepared and much less anxious this time around.
Eat, sleep, poop. Eat, sleep, poop. Oh he's awake! Nope, back to sleep.
That's pretty much been our routine for the last thirty days!
We won't know any growth stats until you go back to the doctor in another few weeks, but I think you may have finally hit the seven pound mark and you are starting to fit in 0-3 month clothing, rather than just newborn. Which is good, because you only had like 6 newborn outfits. I think we'll be taking the newborn insert out of the carseat soon too.
You are so easy going. Not much upsets you, except sitting in a wet diaper for too long (you've had a rough patch of diaper rash) or us taking too long with your bottle.
You loooooove to be held. In fact, you sleep best on my chest with me holding onto you and patting your little bottom. You are sure to let us know when you are tired of being by yourself and want some snuggles.
I hope you are always this way. I want you to always feel like Mama's lap is the best place to be.
You take to tummy time much better than Big Sister did. We think she hated it because of her reflux.
Which brings me to the next best thing - YOU DON'T HAVE REFLUX!!!!!!!
For months and months with Big Sister, we were covered in spit up and used blankets instead of burp cloths. She had to sleep at an incline to keep that awful mess down, and we went through several bottles of gas drops.
We had no idea babies ate without puking for two hours afterwards. Its amazing!
You sleep pretty well, waking up only once or twice each night. You hit a major growth spurt at three weeks that had you up more than that (and Charlotte hiding in a corner), but it only lasted a few days.
I don't mind that you only want to sleep on me, except for the number it's doing to my back. But I like the snuggles. I know it won't last forever.
And the thing I love most about my babies? In appearance, you are both the perfect mixture of Your Daddy and My Daddy, Your Bubba. There are times that you are the spitting image of Ben Parrish, and then you look at me a certain way and I see Allen Thornton all over. Big Sister was the same way. It's in the sparkle in your eyes and the way your faces light up when you recognize something you enjoy, like Mommy's voice, or Daddy's silly face. Or when you look up at me right as you finish your bottle with those sweet, bright eyes. I can't get enough of it and I try as hard as I can to paint that picture in my mind so I can remember it when I'm old and grey and my babies are adults and I don't get to see it every day.
It's like a little piece of Dad is still hanging around, and I truly believe it is a perfect fingerprint from God meant just for me because He knows how much I miss Dad's face.
Big Sister loves you. I'll have to address the issues we've had in a separate blog, but they are all about me and nothing about you. She is so sweet to you, bringing you blankets and burp cloths and pacis and all sorts of toys you don't want or need. We have given her the job of taking bottles to the sink, and she looooves to help. She loves to give you kisses on the forehead. Sometimes we have to remind her to be gentle, but she's pretty good.
Don't get me wrong - there are some days that she could care less that you exist. But I think that's just part of being two years old and being jealous. She'll get over it as you get older.
Your Daddy is just smitten with you. He calls you "Widdle Buddy," just like Big Sister is "Widdle Buggy." It is obvious that his relationship with you is going to be much different. You will be his buddy and pal, while Big Sister is his princess.
Me? Well, don't tell Your Daddy, but I think I'm in love with you too. It's amazing how you and Big Sister can share the same space in my heart, but each hold different pieces of it. Big Sister is my girly girl - my best friend, my little tag-a-long, my independent woman.
You are my little man - my little love that looks up at me with gorgeous eyes who I can tell just wants his mama. I swoon for you every time.
I am loving every bit of being Your Mommy. It's been tough, adjusting to having two children, but we are making it work. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Happy one month to you, JP. Thank you for being such a wonderful baby. I can't wait to watch you grow.
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